Last post I showed Int getting chat banned for 20000 minutes. Well as it was explained to me, he wrote a very nasty email to zero about his server and was very very rude. Zero decided to Perm Ban Int, which I fully support. This caused the Avengers pledge to be disbanded because Int was the prince. SO now the Avengers pledge, the largest pledge on the server had no home. Zero granted peace to any of them who wanted peace. Morgan and many others recreated Illuminati as a hunting pledge. I think it was smart, rarely do you get a chance for peace in Lineage. Well Ranker did not know at first there was peace for these players and hit a pledge that joined some of these Avengers. He actually killed a player who never was in avengers..
Zero means business about protecting his players!
Some of the Avengers have joined Family and now we have a decent amount of players. It is now Family vs. BlackList. Many old Family players have returned including: Garen, Mission, BESTMAN, HAMMER, MclarenF1 and others. So it is shaping up into a nice war. Blacklist still has nearly twice our numbers but we still are doing well in pvp:
SilentSushi is this weeks pvp champion
Now on Zero there is a great event happening:
It is first a 2x exp and 2x drop which is rare for zero to do! And it is a drop event. All over GP monkeys spawn and can be killed and turned in Monkey Kings. The Monkey kings drop lots of goodies:
I got lucky!! Sell Thors!
Events are also fun because many enemies always around:
Also as you might have noticed, due to the 2x exp event I hit 80!
Come join the fun!! The server is still growing!!!