We blocked entrance so Start couldnt interfere with Varlok. It was worth while.
Then of course some bodies hit the floor:
Nexus even with coi pledge heals
Our MVP today, BlackJack
Now for some of my favorites:
Colony AKA Ebind Bot
If you look carefully, you can see him falling!
Spoiler is an NB machine but even with 3 (look closely) mages all healing him, he couldnt survive the stun.. QQ
Pride AKA Sht talker
Now for some funny ends:
Zero added an item a few weeks ago for people who get chat banned. It is a helmet that reduces your HP while you wear it. It essentially prevents people from afking through a Chat Ban... Well some start kids tried to afk anyway..
Nexus got owned at Grim.. (courtesy of RisingSun)
Here are some ends that I missed bodies for:
Our Wall of Trash Talkers:
cry.. why so mad bro?
That's all for now!
* Special thanks to Aqua, Coda, Proofy, and Rising for some SS