A few weeks ago I was online when Zero played one of his famous games. Everyone on the server could play, they just had to find him and guess a number from his dice game:
Here Zero gave away a +3Dwep O.o I would love to win one in the future.
Here are so new bosses I have found and killed:
Here is a Boss I never saw on live. His graphics are so cool!!
How cool is those graphics!!
I also have been hunting B-scrolls on DI. I lived on DI on live server, I was able to make some great items from all those scrolls from Live. Soon I will have a huge blowing session which I will post.
Found Mummy Lord for the first time the other day:
I have been getting Giant Spider 2-3 times a day:
Here is another new boss that never existed on live, he is on north TI.. He hasnt dropped anything worth while yet:
I will be wearing this to all fights now!! If only I can find a choas helm.. BUY chaos helm hehe whisper me in game!
Now some fights:
As you can see in many, my destroy timer just went off, meaning I was close to getting kill. This last shot of White shark I used destroy and then got him with cone of cold scrolls.
As of late, Pumpkin is the only one who fights. It seems like specialist would rather not fight.
Here is my level progress:
Lastly, Zero announced new event soon!! Very excited!! More news coming.