First you click on the Auction House Board in Giran city:
Once you click on the auction board this screen comes up. You can then double click on one of the house listings and this screen comes up:
I think here they give some details about the house, I can't understand it. when you click the top option it shows you a map of all the houses so you can see where the house is that you are bidding on.
The house you will bid on is flashing red. All the houses that are dull in color are already owned, so if you see a house you would rather have go back and choose a different house listing.
The House of El
This is our house, it is pretty large and it is just south of Giran City. It also has an "Underground Hideout" which is cool.
Also we have welcomed a few more members to our ranks.
I got in a few more fights which is always fun:
It becomes very hard not to get obsessed with your kills to death rations (KD). I have been lucky that I havent died that much yet, but I have had many close calls.
Lastly, I had a nice talk with Zero and he told me some of his plans!! He has so much great stuff coming up. I think what will be most helpful is this:
Zero is going to make a DB for English speakers. That will be so great!
Remember I am recruiting!!
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