Saturday, February 22, 2014

Zero Games!!

Hey Zero server, it has been almost 2 weeks since last post, just having too much fun in game and not much time to post. It has been over a week so I must make a post.

A few weeks ago I was online when Zero played one of his famous games. Everyone on the server could play, they just had to find him and guess a number from his dice game:

Here Zero gave away a +3Dwep O.o  I would love to win one in the future.

Here are so new bosses I have found and killed:

Here is a Boss I never saw on live. His graphics are so cool!!

How cool is those graphics!!

I also have been hunting B-scrolls on DI. I lived on DI on live server, I was able to make some great items from all those scrolls from Live. Soon I will have a huge blowing session which I will post.

Here are some other bosses:

Found Mummy Lord for the first time the other day:

I have been getting Giant Spider 2-3 times a day:

Here is another new boss that never existed on live, he is on north TI.. He hasnt dropped anything worth while yet:

Because I have joined such an active fight pledge, I decided to try and make a Stun TS. I started buying coins and Look what happened to my first one:

I will be wearing this to all fights now!! If only I can find a choas helm.. BUY chaos helm hehe whisper me in game!

Now some fights:

As you can see in many, my destroy timer just went off, meaning I was close to getting kill. This last shot of White shark I used destroy and then got him with cone of cold scrolls.

As of late, Pumpkin is the only one who fights. It seems like specialist would rather not fight.

Here is my level progress:

Lastly, Zero announced new event soon!! Very excited!! More news coming.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

New Post!

So much has been happening on Zero over the last few days so let's jump into it. As you know, I have joined Happy and have now been pvping with them against specialist and Pumpkin. Let's get into it:

I did not manage to get any bodies here, but it was almost instant 1 after another. 

You can see my destroy delay, I was so close, Rainbow takes 1 swing and hes taking a dirt nap.

This happened at TOS, Fredz got a stun and my destroy got him. Then this HUGE red beam fell from the sky so I teled in fear hehe. I later found out this is how you know you went chao. Super cool feature.

We got Ironman 3 times in about 10 minutes. I give him credit, he fought hard and kept fighting.

Here we got level 84+ knight, in my excitement, I missed getting the SS of who killed him but again you can see my destroy delay only 1 second used. 

This one was 2v1 against me and I managed to get him. I think that is HACKER or some strong knight named RANKED. Whoever it was he hurt and stunned for a long time.

This next SS is my favorite of all time just because of all that is going on. I was able to capture everything in 1 shot!

Now on to other things other than just fights, I don't want this blog to become like so many Live blogs.. just dead shots.

The other day, LoL pledge said they were going to try and siege Sky castle. I was very intrigued and decided to go to sky (never been). Sky castle siege was very fun!

I think once you get through these gates, it goes into a dungeon. Didn't get that far this day. But next time we all decide to try again everyone should come and help!!

I decided to try sky out when I went chao on Fredz, because its a safe zone I wasn't worried about coi jumps or pvp. I was there about 25 minutes and went from chao to neutral, so the Lawful is pretty good. Also I got quite a few drops.

This was all in 25 minutes.. not to bad.

I guess a few more people are finding my blog:

Lastly, I want to try and help people through my blog, so I will share a great hunting spot I have found. It is very good for mage and I have been leveling there a couple hours a day.

This is 50f where I pull. Once you set the floor up right you can pull many mops from the big room. It is good exp and is kind of fun! I am willing to share so mages come check it out! If you have questions on how to set it up just whisper me. I only ask if im already hunting there to leave and I will give you area when I am done. 

I also did manage this a few days ago:

I am now chugging through 76.. wish me luck this exp is slow!!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

The End of The House of El and Battle Zones!

As I stated in the previous post I have been having some trouble with specialist BP. It all started over a 10 second conversation with Father's ALT. They decide that they will continue to hit me. I will not beg for peace, even though I do not wish to fight in the big server fight. I try to play by the rules and be nice but I WILL NOT be bullied and I WILL NOT beg for peace...They continue to hit me so I have decided to join the fight. I am now a member of Happy pledge. Now hunting and bossing will be harder, but I am closing in on level 77. I like Happy pledge quite a bit, they are friendly and helpful. They are also very good pvpers which will make me better. Specialist is so much stronger than pumpkin so I will have to be better at my skills.

Here are some shots of Pumpkins that I have killed recently.

Also, Zero has added Battle zones to the server.  I have never been in a battle zone, they are SO FUN!.

Battle zones happen every 3 hours and you click this NPC in Giran when it is announced:

Once you have clicked it you will be put on either black team or white team and added to this big waiting room:

Then once the teams are even, both teams are teleported into a big dungeon looking room to fight to the death:

This particular Battlezone was very evenly matched.  Towards the end there were 3 of us left from each side. It had been going on for 15 minutes with no end in sight. So Zero stepped in for some fun!

Zero 1 Hit me wit staff, must be +127 hehe.

If your team manages to win, You get adena and zero Coins!!

So be on the lookout for Battle zones, they are  very fun!

Friday, February 7, 2014

No More Running!!!!

I was talking in game the other day to a player about the toi bosses I kill.  He asked if I had chaos charms. I told him I had some regular charms and that's what I used to run to bosses. Use charm to 81 and run to 90 for lich. He went on to tell me about chaos charms and how they worked!! Man I wish I knew before I ran all the way for so many bosses.

Here is how it works:

You first have to find this NPC in Aden, he is left of the Church:

Then you must have 2 of the same floor charms, 1 is sealed and one is unsealed:

Then you click on NPC:

Then click Make Chaos TOI Charm.

Then this screen comes up:

Once you click this, you will get a sealed chaos charm:

Once you double click the charm you get this message:

Now you hit yes.. The charms can blow up and you won't make it which happened alot to me as I tried to make some. If you are lucky you will get a chaos charm. 

Once you have the charm you go to the star in giran:

Once you double click the charm it will bring you to the x6 floor. In this case, floor 16. From here you can select to go to the top or bottom floor.

So after a few days of using all the charms I got from the event and spending about 80m buying charms I have almost a full set!!! Makes bossing so much easier!!

I just need a 6fl charm, but 1f charms so expensive so I guess I will wait.
