Sunday, August 2, 2015

Fair Journalism

In light of my last post, Reanimated called me out and said I failed to mention that we are homeless. After the siege I posted about we were in fact homeless. We lost orc and giran to the horde that is now stripclub. He then went on to talk about how we can't have cute titles (must of upset him our old titles). Aqua informed him that we don't care about castles. Which is mostly true, being that I am trying hard to push 85 in the next 2 weeks I do care about the exp boost. But I don't care for it as a status symbol which is what I think Reanimated was hinting at. That by holding Giran it is a reflection that your pledge is better or stronger than the pledge you fight. That somehow owning Giran is a reflection that you are "winning" or the "best" pledge. Well this post is designed to show the opposite.

Sieging success is in large part affected by the size of your pledge and your siege attendance. Over the last few weeks strip club has been growing rapidly with returning players(Boxter, Alanna) and new players rising quickly (Kale, Apok, Cesar who is esteban / saintsword but still a new character). Most often it is TheEnd pledge with myself, Admiral, Mars, Aqua, Proofy and Signal (71 mage) vs 10-16 players. Sometimes over a weekend Agent's crew (Tidus, Sil, Coda) can participate and sometimes Episode, Hammer, and Mission show up -- infrequently. The last siege I attended Strip had 18 people at siege with 5 mages. We had percisely 7 players. Now you see, mages currently are quite strong. Most of these noobs will roll a mage and just heal and AB. It makes it hard to win a castle being so severely outnumbered.

So yes, we have lost Giran and it may be infruquent that we get enough players to win it back. However to me, this is not the best indicator that reflects that a pledge is "winning". To me, it is about being the "better" pledge. To me in Lineage, unlike real life and real war, winning is defined by killing your enemy. Now we might be outnumbered greatly on a regular basis but we still outkill them at every siege. And I know what you are saying, well that's because you kill all of their noob players. That is not true.

Please examine this first SS:

What do you notice about this SS? All of these players have died more than they have killed and many of them have died 20-30 times. Well who must be taking these points from them? Clearly it is not just noobs we are killing at sieges and fights. Let me point out 3 of these players are level 85: Esteban, Ginger, and Boxter. 6 others are 84: Bell, Mamm0th, Apok, Cesar, Alanna and Yeo(is Yeo still 84? so much dying).

Now in the name of fair journalism I found exactly 2 players total from Stripclub with more than 1000 points at the time I put these together.

Kale who had 1030 and Knight who had 1024

Now please look at the next SS:

Now we might have lost a castle and might continue to lose castles but I would say we are clearly winning. Killing many...That is the true sign of which pledge is better. Being outnumbered at each fight and having to kill through 3-5 mages healing is not easy. It shows we are far more organized and skilled. So if you decide that the definition of the best pledge is whoever holds giran I think you are a bit short sighted. Clearly we are the better pledge.

Now for the grand finale:

Wow.. just wow.. Like WTF? Reanimated is 26 points away from Weyh. Reanimated is really well geared 84 elf and weyh is a trash 80 knight.. how does that happen?

One thing we might all be able to agree on is reanimated is clearly not winning regardless of who has castle...

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