Monday, August 10, 2015

Lesson Learned

This will be a longer post, alot of dead bodies and a few funny stories. We will start with a story about learning a lesson.  Since zero killed me, I have been trying not to talk trash and follow all the rules. Zero said he would take care of issues as long as I report them. Well I was a bit skeptical but..

First I killed Weyh 1v1 at MLC.. this noob finally hit 80 and thinks he can fight i guess..?

Note the full HP.. was using aojs..

As you can see he is almost the first one on the server in the 5xx points club.  It is not a club you want to belong to.  He is racing Yeo and Reanimated.

Well then he talked in town and I was proud of myself, I didnt respond. But I reported

Zero then followed through with CB. Thanks Zero!

As I said, poor Weyh hit 80 and thought he could fight.  This happened in the first 5 minutes of siege, then he logged his noob mage JAKSON.

Now if you have been pvping on Zero lately you will have noticed that Mages are very strong (maybe even OPed). To prove this I played my noob alt lvl 70 mage with 35 sp.. Here was the result:


The deaths coninued:

Now onto some other regulars:



Died at Gate






Nooooo not sharky!!!!


Richard was a bit upset.. but to be honest -- the numbers were even.





 Cesar tries to be hero..and while warriors are OPed.. he still flops

Both of those deaths to Mars were 1v1 in MLC.

Dead with No Bodies:

Was exploring some new places and bosses and found this guy.. super cool AOE graphics:

That's all for now.. see you bishes in game.

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