Sunday, May 18, 2014

So Many Fights!

Recently with the return of some old players Blacklist / Family seems to be winning the war against Neworld.  Now that isn't to say they haven't been recording kills, they have but we seem to be killing 4 or 5 for every one of their kills. Also alot of their high level players are dying alot. Lets start there:

All of these have happened in last 3 days:

It pains me so much to post these pictures because Int "never dies"

Well Int has been dying.. Alot. 

You Mad?

Guess So...

Now I would like to thank Tidus for supplying these great SS. Mine was missing his body but these are great. You see, this makes me feel a little bit better about my 4 (a 4th will be posted later) deaths in the last 2 weeks. All of these happened in the last 3 days. Int actually chaomade tidus in the middle one QQ.

Some more shots:

Yeo was begging me to tell pledge to stop chao making him.. This happened in a total of about 12 minutes:

Better Luck Next time.

Disney must have been the first to buy those level up potions. I watched 3 times he erase Ranker first try fresh on a teleport into tos.. Need high level to do that..

Well He still 82 (im sure he will say he is 72.. all of their elves say that)

I think Canon is asking how many times now Disney has flopped since last post.. Thanks for keeping track for me <3

I was buying pots when that happened.. missed it

He kept telling us to just fight and not talk.. guess he cant do either..

As you can see.. alot of dead bodies.. Here are some more where I failed to get a body..

You can see one of our newest mages SilentSushi is getting so major amount of kills. He was in Avengers but had a falling out with Capwne. So avengers kicked him to keep Cap.. Guess they got the short end of that stick.. 

Which leads us into a sad story to report.. Capwne decided it was time to start fresh, no more dying and lots of killing. So yesterday he reset his KD - well we know where this is going:

Now if you do some math, to his credit he did get 3 kills but died 10 times. He was a good sport even he globaled that he must be setting some sort of record. 

Now the last story of the day is about maybe the largest trash talker on the server. To be honest, I don't know why he is just an average player.. not very good. But man does he talk. After being sucked into an argument with him I decided I was done for good with talking to other enemies. I will just be polite and nice:

Whenever you are in the 8xx's with points thats tough.

Obviously he is not very good. Please, less talk and more venzing. 

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